Natural Beauty Tips

Natural Beauty Tips for The Future Beauty

left over pumpkin facial mask

Have some left over pumpkin from Halloween?  try making a pumpkin face mask.
Pumpkin is rich in zinc, which helps purify oily and blemished skin Pumpkin is also an excellent exfolioator � its gentle without to many abrasive particles.
You will need:
-2 tablespoons raw pumpkin, (finely grated)
-1 egg white, 
-1 teaspoon lemon juice, 
-1 teaspoon tomato juice, (or 1/2 teaspoon tomato puree).
Mix all the ingredients in a bowl and blend well � use a blender if you have. Then apply the mask to your freshly cleaned face � let sit for 10-15mins and then rinse with warm water.
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